Aquatics - White Spot

Aquatics - White Spot

How to be sure

White Spot gives your fish a speckling of salt-like grains or white spots on its body, fins and tail, sometimes appearing in clusters. Your fish may also start to shimmy in the water, or flick against objects in the aquarium – like it’s trying to have a really good itch.

Step 1 – Treat your fish

  • Remove the carbon filter out of your filtration – but don’t forget to return it 7 days after the last dose.
  • Use Anti White Spot treatment, you can check the correct dosage for your aquarium size here.
  • Also dose with Aqualibrium First Aid Salt – it helps boost your fish’s ability to fight the illness. See below for help on using aquarium salt
  • Finally, give your fish some time-out to recover – avoid excessive cleaning, re-decorating or adding new fishy friends
  • To re-treat, or treat another problem, follow the on pack guidelines for using more treatment. 


Watch Out! – Treatments can sometimes reduce oxygen levels in the water. If you see fish gasping at the surface, you can increase oxygen by adding an air pump.

Step 2 – Treat your aquarium

  • When fish are sick, always test your aquarium water for excessive ammonia, nitrite, nitrate or pH imbalance.
  • Treat any unhealthy results to rebalance your water quality and give your fish the best chance of getting fighting fit again.
  • Check all your equipment is working properly – especially filters and heaters (check your aquarium temperature with your thermometer).  Carry out any maintenance needed, or replace faulty or broken parts.


Using Tonic Salts when treating sick fish

Fish stress is a major causes of disease outbreaks. If you understand how fish become stressed, you can help prevent it; and help keep your aquarium happy and healthy.

You can reduce the impact of stress on your fish by adding a specific freshwater aquarium salt additive such as Aqualibrium First Aid Salt. You can use it regularly as a preventative treatment, or when you know your fish are likely to be stressed such as in a new aquarium, when adding new fish or when treating diseases.

Freshwater fish invest a lot of energy in balancing their internal fluid salt concentration. Increasing salt levels in the aquarium reduces their need to balance their body fluids. This means they can use their energy elsewhere, and deal with stress and fight disease more effectively.

Using Aqualibrium at the same time as other Interpet First Aid Treatment helps support the fish’s immune system for a speedy and successful recovery. Use the dosage calculator for the correct amount of salt for your size aquarium. Never use table salt or salt designed for a marine aquarium.

Watch the video below to understand how to use Aqualibrium salt effectively in your aquarium:


Testing your aquarium water

Aquariums offer a fantastic home for fish and can become a huge part of your life as either a casual fish keeper, or a full-blown hobbyist. However, aquariums offer some unique challenges and unknown abnormalities that can throw the balance off and cause health issues for your aquatic life.
Processes such as the Nitrogren Cycle will affect your fish and their environment. The balance of chemicals in your water will be constantly changing, and because they are invisible, you won’t know what is going on.The only way you will ever know something is wrong is if you test your water regularly and keep a record of previous results to identify changes (or your fish get sick!).Two of the primary causes of these chemical fluctuations are; overstocking (keeping too many fish), as well as waste build-up/pollutants (typically over-feeding or dead, rotting livestock or plants).Our testing kits allow you to test the water for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, water hardness (dip test only) and pH. See our how-to-use videos below for our Complete Aquarium Dip Test Kit.

Using the Complete Dip Test Kit:

It is handy to keep a diary record of your test results to refer to, or compare, when completing maintenance or future tests.

Any unsafe results will need to be treated to prevent health issues for your fish.

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